
Mo 6th Sep
to Fr 10th Sep
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AG-Vorstellung und Anwahl
Mi 8th Sep
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Jg.-Versammlung Jg.8-10
Do 9th Sep
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Jg.-Versammlung Jg.11-13
Mo 13th Sep
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AG Beginn
Di 14th Sep
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Elternabend Jg.5 (ggf. Jg.6/Jg.7)
Mi 15th Sep
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Elternabende Jg.8 / Jg.11 / Jg.12 (ggf. Jg.9/Jg.10/Jg.13)
Mo 20th Sep
to Fr 24th Sep
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Di 21st Sep
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Begrüßungsfest Klasse 5a
Do 23rd Sep
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Jahrgang 5 - Erdkundeexkursion Planetarium WOB
Mo 27th Sep
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Projekt Hochseilgarten 9nw