
Mi 3rd Apr
to So 21st Apr
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Tansaniaaustausch JG 11 und 12 (Tansanier am GiS)
Do 4th Apr
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Tag der offenen Tür
Do 4th Apr
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Zeugnisausgabe Jg. 13
Do 4th Apr
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Ende des 4. Kurshalbjahrs
Fr 5th Apr
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vocatium Schulpräsentation
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Mo 8th Apr
to Fr 19th Apr
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Austausch mit Colmar (Schüler:innen Jg. 7)
Mo 8th Apr
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Abi GE
Di 9th Apr
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Abi KU
Mi 10th Apr
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Sprechprüfungen EN Jg. 8
Mi 10th Apr
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Abi CH
Do 11th Apr
to Fr 19th Apr
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Austausch Bretagne (WF fährt in die Bretagne)
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Do 11th Apr
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Abi PW
Fr 12th Apr
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Abi LA
Mo 15th Apr
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Abi EK
Mo 15th Apr
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Vortrag NS-Justiz Jg. 10 und Jg. 11
Di 16th Apr
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Abi BI
Mi 17th Apr
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Abi SN
Do 18th Apr
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Do 18th Apr
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Fr 19th Apr
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Tag des Klassenmusizierens
Fr 19th Apr
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Abi PH
Mo 22nd Apr
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Abi FR
Di 23rd Apr
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Di 23rd Apr
to Mi 1st Mai
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Frankreichaustausch - Cachan Jg. 9 (Franzosen am GiS)
Do 25th Apr
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Do 25th Apr
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Fr 26th Apr
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Fr 3rd Mai
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4. SR-Sitzung
Fr 3rd Mai
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Abi EN
Mo 6th Mai
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Sprechprüfung Französisch Jg. 7
Di 7th Mai
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Abi MA
Do 16th Mai
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Sprechprüfungen EN Jg. 6
Do 16th Mai
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Vocatium Jg. 12
Fr 17th Mai
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Landesrunde der Mathematikolympiade Grundschulen
Mi 22nd Mai
to Fr 24th Mai
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mdl. Abitur
Mi 22nd Mai
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unterrichtsfrei Jg. 5-12
Fr 24th Mai
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Hochschulinformationstag TU BS
Mo 27th Mai
to Sa 15th Jun
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Praktikum im JG 11
Mo 3rd Jun
to Do 6th Jun
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Mo 3rd Jun
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Zeugniskonferenzen Jg. 7-9
Mo 3rd Jun
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Fußball-Turnier Jahrgang 06
Di 4th Jun
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Zeugniskonferenzen Jg. 5-6
Do 6th Jun
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Zeugniskonferenzen Jg. 10-11
Mo 10th Jun
to Fr 14th Jun
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Klassenfahrten Jg. 5, 8
Mo 17th Jun
to Di 18th Jun
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Nachprüfungen Abitur
Di 18th Jun
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Präsentation BP Jg. 10, 11
Do 20th Jun
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Fr 21st Jun
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Zeugnisausgabe Jg. 5-12
Fr 21st Jun
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Fr 21st Jun
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Mo 19th Aug
to Fr 23rd Aug
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Kursfahrt Jg. 13
Do 26th Sep
to Mi 2nd Okt
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Do 3rd Okt
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Tag der deutschen Einheit
Do 27th Mrz
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Ende 4. Kurshalbjahr
Mo 31st Mrz
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Abi EK
Di 1st Apr
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Abi KU
Mi 2nd Apr
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Abi BI
Do 3rd Apr
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Abi PH
Fr 4th Apr
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Abi CH
Mi 23rd Apr
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Abi GE
Do 24th Apr
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Abi SN
Fr 25th Apr
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Abi SP / IF
Mo 28th Apr
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Abi PW
Di 29th Apr
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Abi DE
Mo 5th Mai
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Abi LA
Di 6th Mai
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Abi RE / RK
Mi 7th Mai
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Abi EN
Do 8th Mai
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Abi MU
Fr 9th Mai
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Abi MA
Mi 14th Mai
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Abi FR
Mi 11th Jun
to Sa 28th Jun
all day
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Praktikum für JG 11